Missing the Crown Inn?

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Those nice people at the First & Last Brewery in Elsdon are delivering free to the NE46 postcode area. Check out their website shop for some lipsmackin’ deals! https://firstandlastbrewery.co.uk/


List of local businesses that may deliver a range of produce

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The link below is to a very useful list of local businesses that may be able to deliver all sorts of produce. The list contains details of what each business offers, as well as contact details. It was created by someone, who shared it on the Hexham Matters Facebook page.





Your village shop and Covid 19

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Humshaugh COVID-19 Response

Dear Residents

Key organisations in Humshaugh are organising a collective response to help our community cope with the impact of the COVID-19 virus.

Humshaugh Village Shop will be the “hub” for providing goods and access to information on wider services.  There will be a volunteer-run delivery service of food, including ready-meals, newspapers and other essentials.  The Shop website (http://www.humshaughshop.co.uk/) will provide information on other services.

If you are in a vulnerable group and/or self-isolating, particularly if you live alone, you can arrange for deliveries or ask for help with any other practical issues by calling:

07469 796103

If we cannot help we will do our utmost to find someone who can.

In line with Government and other advice group activities in the Village Hall are cancelled until further notice.  St Peter’s Church Services have also had to stop; however, local clergy are offering personal support and St Peter’s will remain open for private prayer.

For up to date health information and advice please visit the NHS website:



Pedlars in Humshaugh

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Some villagers may have been approached by young men selling cleaning utensils in a haversack (Usually claiming they have been in prison for assault). It has happened to me. I have had two separate visits over the last few weeks. Both young men put me under pressure to buy something. The first one, a few weeks ago, harassed me and became aggressive when I would not buy something because he did not have any ID. The second one produced an ID document which I found was forged, after I called the police.

I realised, now, how ignorant I was not knowing the law on pedlars. I have therefore done a little homework. I find they must have a pedlar’s certificate from the police. (See copy below).

If you wish to know more here are a couple of links to read;



Richard Hewitt