Humshaugh Neighbourhood Plan

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Pre-Submission Draft – Humshaugh Neighbourhood Plan – December 2023

We need your views on our draft neighbourhood plan!

We have prepared a draft neighbourhood plan which has been informed by feedback from the local community. Our draft plan includes planning policies and community actions covering a range of issues which seek to protect and enhance what makes our area special as well as ensuring our community is sustainable, cohesive and thriving.

The deadline for comments is 5pm on Thursday 25th January 2024

Comments can be made in the following ways:

  • Using the online response form
  • Downloading the response form from this website and sending it to us via post or email (details below) or by dropping it off at the Village Shop;
  • By email to:
  • In writing to: Humshaugh Parish Council c/o 10 Beechcroft, Humshaugh, Hexham, NE46 4DN or by dropping off your letter at the Village Shop.

Finally, please include your contact details with your response.

The main consultation documents on which we are seeking feedback are all on the website

Hard copies of these documents are also available at the Village Shop.

Any personal data supplies will only be used in relation to the preparation of the neighbourhood plan and will be maintained in accordance with the data protection regulations and the Humshaugh Parish Council privacy policy. Completed response forms must be received by 25th January 2024.

Please send completed response forms to: Humshaugh Parish Council c/o 10 Beechcroft, Humshaugh, Hexham, NE46 4DN; by email to:; or you can drop them off to the Village Shop.

Crime scene – village hall!

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On Friday 24 November HAP will host The Border Readers for their performance entitled “ Murder They Write”, live readings of crime stories by Anne Cleeves, Martin Edwards, Cath Staincliffe.  Tickets will cost £6 available from the village shop and on Eventbrite.  Doors will open at 7pm for 7.30pm start, there will be a bar available on the evening.


Local crafts on sale

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The last craft pop up of this year in the village shop will be Birtley Craft Group in the shop until Christmas.  The group have been busy making a variety of craft items that have a seasonal feel.  The shop will also have a range of local goodies available as gifts or make up a shop bag hamper for someone special, remember to include the Humshaugh Calendar!   Get your Christmas presents here!

This month’s ‘pop-up’ craft display in your village shop

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For the next fortnight only ( until 30th Oct)  Louise Ward has her pottery on sale.  Louise makes a range of mugs from small express to large hot chocolate or soup sized mugs, perfect for those colder winter days.  She also has a few bowls and animal sculptures on show and is happy to take commissions.

Latest pop-up crafters in your shop.

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There are two local crafters displaying their work in the shop over the next 4 weeks until 16th of October. Humshaugh Honey are selling a range of lip balms and an insect repellent based on bees wax. As their name suggests these are very local crafters.
The Stuft Olive has a range of lovely punch needle products from key rings to placemats and pictures.  Commissions can be taken if specific designs and colours are desired, just pick up a business card from the display and contact the maker direct.
Check them out when you are next in the shop.